[스포츠]오타니 50-50 홈런볼 경매에 올라옴.txt
꼬르르르르르 작성일 09-26 조회 738
This was one of the easiest [consignments] ever," Goldin told ESPN. "Ohtani [hits 50] on Thursday, literally Friday we heard from the guy, he contacted Goldin on his own through social media, flew a security guard down to Miami on Monday with a representative from Goldin, met him, flew back Monday."
Those seeking to acquire this piece of history will have to dig deep into their pockets, as the opening bid with Goldin, now owned by eBay, is reportedly $500,000.
Details on the auction state that prospective buyers "will have a chance to purchase the baseball outright for $4,500,000 exclusively between September 27 to October 9. If bidding reaches $3,000,000 prior to October 9 however, the option to purchase privately will no longer be available, and interested parties must compete and bid for the baseball."
Extended bidding will begin at 10 p.m. ET on October 16.
입찰 시작가는 50만 달러
현지시간으로 9월 27일부터 10월 9일 까지는 450만 달러에 즉구 가능하고
10월 9일 이전에 입찰가가 300만 달러에 도달하면 입찰로만 구매 가능
According to ESPN, the current record paid for a baseball is $3.05 million for Mark McGwires 70th home run ball in 1999 by comic book creator and McFarlane Toys empire magnate Todd McFarlane.
가장 비싼 공은 맥과이어의 70호 홈런볼이 305만 달러
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